Pain Management Programme

Managing pain, in different parts of the body, has been one of the key areas that research at Nisarga has focussed on. Lower back pain, neck pain, joint issues like arthritis, etc. had caused extensive suffering to many of our Sadhakas. Our targeted programmes have assisted them to come out of this traumatic existence, and lead a fuller life, free of pain.


Being a key area of expertise for many of our senior doctors, Nisarga has taken utmost care while formulating a programme for pain alleviation and management. Experience gathered through decades of managing thousands of patients, and the knowledge base created out of observing their unique conditions have gone into making this comprehensive pain management programme. We can now say with pride that this programme has assisted many hundreds of our Sadhakas to lead a life which is no longer haunted by the feeling of constant pain, letting them experience a normal life and enjoy even the simple pleasures of life, which they could not savour earlier, because of the pain.