Our Programmes for Specific conditions

At Nisarga, we believe that specific health and medical conditions need to be managed with packaged solutions specifically formulated to address those conditions in a targeted manner. Within these packaged programmes, our Sadhakas, who are attempting at managing a specific condition, get to experience a combination of treatment and health management practices particularly developed to address such conditions.

At Nisarga, we offer the following programmes to treat certain conditions. These have been exclusively developed through years of research and our experience of treating thousands of patients with similar conditions.

Managing pain, in different parts of the body, has been one of the key areas that research at Nisarga has focussed on. Lower back pain, neck pain, joint issues like arthritis, etc. had caused extensive suffering to many of our Sadhakas. Our targeted programmes have assisted them to come out of this traumatic existence, and lead a fuller life, free of pain…

Of all the new world health disorders, Diabetes Mellitus is known as the silent killer, which has affected a large proportion of world population. Efforts to counter the ill effects of Diabetes have been going on for many decades under different systems of medicine, with moderate to fair success rates. Nisarga’s Diabetes management programme goes back to the basics and combines a healthy diet routine, physical activities and fine tuning the general lifestyle, to counter this potentially life threatening condition…

Obesity, or the condition of being far above the ideal weight bracket to affect the normal functioning of the body, is fast becoming one of the major challenges of contemporary health management systems. Nisarga’s highly focussed weight loss programmes, customised for each Sadhaka, are very easy to practice, and have consistently resulted in them losing 3 to 10 kilograms of body weight within a short span of 10 to 15 days…

Stress is the primary cause of most of the lifestyle diseases that are becoming increasingly prevalent in the current world. How we manage work-related, social and emotional stress goes a long way in determining how healthy our body will be. At Nisarga, we understand that stress is an integral part of our lives, and only through proper management of stress can we prevent it from affecting our physical and mental well being…

This is another lifestyle oriented programme that Nisarga has formulated to counter the ill effects of toxins that are absorbed into our body through food, water, air and exposure to various other contaminants. Carefully created keeping in mind the individual tastes of our Sadhakas, our detox programme cleanses the body in a holistic manner (from inside and out)…

At Nisarga, one of the most fulfilling moments we experience quite regularly is when we see the smiles on the faces of a couple, whom we have helped to realise the dream of conception. By focussing on the emotional well being of the couple as the primary factor, and improving their physical health through a strict lifestyle regime, our combination of various natural treatments have assisted to bring back that smile on many faces without any modern medical interventions…