Back Pain

Back pain commonly stems from strain, tension, or injury. Frequent causes of back pain are: strained muscles or ligaments,a muscle spasm,muscle tension,damaged disks,injuries, fractures, or falls

Activities that can lead to strains or spasms include:

lifting something improperly,lifting something that is too heavy,making an abrupt and awkward movement

A number of structural problems may also result in back pain.

  • Ruptured disks: Each vertebra in the spine is cushioned by disks. If the disk ruptures there will be more pressure on a nerve, resulting in back pain.
  • Bulging disks: In much the same way as ruptured disks, a bulging disk can result in more pressure on a nerve.
  • Sciatica: A sharp and shooting pain travels through the buttock and down the back of the leg, caused by a bulging or herniated disk pressing on a nerve.
  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis can cause problems with the joints in the hips, lower back, and other places. In some cases, the space around the spinal cord narrows. This is known as spinal stenosis.
  • Abnormal curvature of the spine: If the spine curves in an unusual way, back pain can result. An example is scoliosis, in which the spine curves to the side.
  • Osteoporosis: Bones, including the vertebrae of the spine, become brittle and porous, making compression fractures more likely.
  • Kidney problems: Kidney stones or kidney infection can cause back pain.


You might avoid back pain or prevent its recurrence by improving your physical condition and learning and practicing proper body mechanics.

To keep your back healthy and strong:

  • Exercise. Regular low-impact aerobic activities — those that don’t strain or jolt your back — can increase strength and endurance in your back and allow your muscles to function better. Walking and swimming are good choices. Talk with your doctor about which activities you might try.
  • Build muscle strength and flexibility. Abdominal and back muscle exercises, which strengthen your core, help condition these muscles so that they work together like a natural corset for your back.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight strains back muscles. If you’re overweight, trimming down can prevent back pain.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking increases your risk of low back pain. The risk increases with the number of cigarettes smoked per day, so quitting should help reduce this risk.

Avoid movements that twist or strain your back. Use your body properly:

  • Stand smart. Don’t slouch. Maintain a neutral pelvic position. If you must stand for long periods, place one foot on a low footstool to take some of the load off your lower back. Alternate feet. Good posture can reduce the stress on back muscles.
  • Sit smart. Choose a seat with good lower back support, armrests and a swivel base. Placing a pillow or rolled towel in the small of your back can maintain its normal curve. Keep your knees and hips level. Change your position frequently, at least every half-hour.
  • Lift smart. Avoid heavy lifting, if possible, but if you must lift something heavy, let your legs do the work. Keep your back straight — no twisting — and bend only at the knees. Hold the load close to your body. Find a lifting partner if the object is heavy or awkward.

In our Nisarga Hospital we will provide essential and systemised Naturopathic,Ayurvedic and Physiotherapic treatment interventions primarily based totally on the cause and severity of the patient with at maximum care with the guidance of expertised Docters.As for the back ache there’ll more variable and vulnerable cases,and for that concern the treatment modalities will vary.Here we will be concentring on Naturopathic treatments,Exercise therapies,Yoga therapy,Physiotherapy,Ayurveda treatments,Diet therapy,Acupuncture and Acupressure.

Treatment protocole for backpain:

  • Kativasti
  • Interferential therapy
  • Ultrasonography
  • Short wave diathermy
  • Traction
  • Mud therpay
  • Diet therapy
  • Acupuncture/Acupressure
  • Yoga therapy
  • Exercise therapy
  • Herbal medicines