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Navadhanya is the simplest way to incorporate whole-grain alternatives to refined grains in a daily diet. Navadhanya is the nine grains that are offered to the Navgrahas and are also part of other Hindu pujas and rituals. The Navdanya includes Bengal Gram, Wheat, Horse Gram, Green Gram, Rice, White beans, Black Sesame seeds, Chickpeas, Black Gram.

Apart from the spiritual and religious importance, intake of Navadhanyam bestows excellent health benefits according to Ayurveda. A unique blend of cereals, lentils, and oilseeds, Navadhanyam is a rich source of Vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, and carbohydrates that support healthy digestion and enhances immunity.

Ayurveda has its foundations laid by the ancient Hindu philosophical teachings, named Vaisheshika school of thought and the Nyaya school of logic. These schools helped in understanding the inherent basic qualities of Dravya, or matter which formed the
fundamental principles of pharmacology in Ayurveda. Ayurveda thus being closely related to Hinduism, combines both science and spirituality, which holds food and lifestyle as supporting healing factors along with medicines.

Worshipping Gods and Goddesses with offerings is a common ritual in Hinduism, as food is considered as Bramham, or supreme. One such inevitable part of Hindu pujas and rituals, Navadhanyam (nine sacred grains) is offered to the nine grahas or planets on auspicious occasions like Navarathri and griha pravesham (house warming), is also important in Ayurveda as a potent health mix.

Navadhanya is the smoothest way to incorporate grain alternatives to refined grains in a regular diet. These nine grains provide key nutrients to the human body. These grains are versatile and can be used in dishes like salads, soups, appetizers, and the main course. All these grains are great origins of plant-based protein and are a powerhouse of vitamins. The consumption of these nutrients combined together keeps a woman strong, healthy, and free from lifestyle disorders.

By eating organic foods like Navadhanya mix, the risks of a recession in immune system strength are substantially reduced because organic foods are not altered at all. Furthermore, organic foods have excellence and higher vitamin and mineral contents that
serve to strengthen the human immune system. Each element of the Navadhanya are described below with the value they impart

Constituents of Navadhanyam and its cultural importance

Hindu astronomy, based on Vedas, had calculated the configuration of the nine planets or nava grahas and their effects on the world and each individual. Worshipping these nine planets was considered to ward off any misfortune arising from past karmas. Of the nine deities, seven are named after planets of the solar system, while the remaining two are asuras. Each of these deities is offered cereals and pulses to bring good luck and prosperity, and this group of nine grains together is called Navadhanyam.
Navadhanyam and their respective cosmic influences are:

  1. Wheat: Offered to Sun
  2. Rice: Offered to Moon
  3. Bengal gram: Offered to Mars
  4. Chickpeas: Offered to Jupiter
  5. Green gram: Offered to Mercury
  6. Beans: Offered to Venus
  7. Black sesame: Offered to Saturn
    Two satellite planets (Upagrahas)
  8. Black gram: Offered to Rahu
  9. Horse gram: Offered to Kethu

What are the 2 types of grains?
The two main types of grains among the Navadhanyam are legumes and cereals. Legumes are rich in protein and have carbohydrate and fat content. Some of the common legumes are beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, peanuts, pigeon peas, and soybean. They are low in fat and help to regulate cholesterol. This is why they are used widely in Indian cooking. Cereals are one of the most common food grains. They are high in carbohydrates and help provide energy for the body. Rice, wheat, maize, sorghum, and oats are the common cereals that are consumed across the country. The use of cereals and legumes in Indian cooking along with spices helps in improving health.

What is the most popular grain?
Both wheat and rice are the most popular grains among the Navadhanyam to be consumed. Rice helps improve digestion and colon health. It helps support bone health and helps provide the energy that is needed to do work.